SGMiner config: "sgminer --algorithm qubitcoin -o stratum+tcp:// -u Your__address -p x --expiry 1 --scan-time 1 --queue 0 --no-extranonce"

ASIC config: "URL: , Login: Your__address, Password: x"

Dowloads: AUR Wallets


Local rate: Shares:
Global pool rate: Share difficulty (pool minimum):
network hashrate (estimate): Network block difficulty:
Current block value: Expected time to share (this node):
Node peers: / Expected time to block (pool):
Node fee / donation: / Node uptime:
Node p2pool version: Protocol version:

Active miners on this node

Address Hashrate DOA Hashrate Share difficulty Time to share Predicted payout
Click here for more detailed stats and graphs (classic p2pool)

Recent blocks

When Date/Time Number Hash